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Stop Overthinking: A Mindset Shift for Optimal Performance

Alba Pardo

In the face of mistakes or life's challenges, our natural inclination is to think more. We attempt to navigate through the complexities, offering ourselves either a motivating pep talk or, at times, berating our own abilities. However, what if the habitual response of thinking more is often a false economy? This blog explores the premise that, in certain situations, overthinking doesn't just fail to help; it may exacerbate the problem.

The Pitfalls of Overthinking

When difficulties arise, our minds tend to overanalyse, leading to a cascade of thoughts—expectations, comparisons, fear-based thinking, and stress. This mental barrage not only hampers our performance but also induces stress, fractures focus, and diminishes the quality of our inner experiences. Overthinking becomes a common nemesis, hindering success and the overall quality of life.

The Coaching Dilemma

Reflecting on years of coaching, a common pattern emerges—individuals often obstruct their own progress. Even with the best intentions, people's own thinking becomes a significant impediment. The example of coaching advanced tennis players illustrates how continuous external feedback on technique or strategy may inadvertently lead to overthinking. The more they focused on external guidance, the more they struggled to find their own flow in real matches.

Shifting Coaching Paradigms

A transformative shift occurs when coaching emphasises fewer directives and more self-discovery. By encouraging players to find their own flow, a change in coaching style fosters intuitive self-correction and fluency not just in sessions but also in actual matches. The key lies in minimising external dependence and nurturing inner game mastery.

Overthinking Across Professions

The tendency to overthink isn't confined to sports; it permeates various aspects of life. From exams and relationships to delicate procedures and presentations, the instinct to rely on excessive thinking often leads to suboptimal outcomes. Overthinking manifests as self-consciousness, fixation on perspectives, and even paralysis in analysis, hindering peak performance.

The Unconscious Struggle

Even outside high-pressure situations, the mind's relentless thinking persists. Studies suggest an average of 70,000 thoughts daily, but the problem isn't the quantity—it's the inability to leverage them effectively. The majority of thoughts are repetitive, with a staggering 80% being negative. This incessant thinking becomes a source of stress, affecting life satisfaction and contributing to anxiety disorders.

Escaping the Overthinking Cycle

Reports reveal that a significant portion of the population spends over 70% of their lives entrenched in survival and stress modes, dominated by excessive, unhelpful thinking. This pervasive issue manifests across various demographics, from students to retired athletes, affecting work engagement and life satisfaction.

The Urgent Need for a Mindset Shift

The inability to break free from overthinking and stress has become a critical healthcare concern. In our pursuit of passions and hobbies, what we crave most is the freedom to escape our minds. There is an urgency for a mindset shift—a shift that prioritises thinking less and stress less for optimal well-being and performance.

Embracing the Power of Mindset

As we grapple with the modern epidemic of overthinking, it's imperative to recognise the impact on our performance, relationships, and overall well-being. By fostering a mindset that values thinking less, we open the door to a life characterised by optimal flow, reduced stress, and enhanced satisfaction. It's time to break free from the chains of overthinking and embrace a mindset that propels us towards our optimal best.

© Flow Centre Ltd Pty 2023

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