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Flow Coach Network

Welcome to the Flow Coach Network!


We are excited for your future as a coach. After you get your Flow Coach Accreditation you can still continue to be part of the Flow Centre Community. Whether you need extra coaching or mentorship or you want to keep your credentials up-to-date, we are here to help and collaborate.


To be able to enrol in one of the programs below you must have completed the Flow Coach Accreditation with us. 


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FCN Options

FCN Associate

Network updates and ICF required Supervision & Mentoring


The Associate is designed to offer the necessary support required to keep your professional standing as a coach.


Associate includes:

3 supervision sessions

3 mentoring sessions per year

FCN updates and invites

FCN Member

Associate + FC Listing, Annual Training, Exposure, Leads & Collaborations



Selected members can apply to become a Flow Centre coach.


FCN Membership includes:

Updated annual training

FC listing as a FC Coach

Leads & collaborations

Delivery of FC workshops

Access to FC coaching materials

Exposure on FC channels


FCN Mentorship

1-to-1 mentorship to be your best & kick

start your career.

Our Principles

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Multi-Disciplined Approach

Our training is based on proven

research and practice from a

hybrid of scientific disciplines.

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Multi-Skilled Approach

Our training targets both

fundamental and optimal

aspects of development.

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Multi-Faceted Approach

Our training is holistic in nature,

working towards sustainable

harmony and application.

  • FCN Associate

    Every 4 months
    ICF Essentials | PreRequisite: Flow Coach Accreditation
    • Group Supervision (90 min) * 3 per year
    • Individual Mentoring (60 min) * 3 per year
    • Network Updates
    • Network invites
  • FCN Member

    Every 4 months
    Join the Flow Centre Coaches | FCA PreRequisite
    • Group Supervision (90 min) * 3 year
    • Individual Mentoring (60 min) * 3 year
    • Annual Training Updates (Half day)
    • Leads - Listing on Flow Centre Website
    • Collaborations - Trainings, Seminars, Projects
    • Access to Flow Centre Coaching and Training Materials
    • Delivery of Flow Centre Workshops
    • Exposure - Flow Centre Channels

FCN Mentorship

  • FCN Mentorship

    Every month
    Professionalise Your Coaching | Additional to FCN membership
    Valid for 12 months
    • 1-to-1 mentorship
    • Customised support
    • Build your business
    • Monthly face-to-face
    • Check-ins if required
    • 1 Year minimum commitment
  • Best Value

    FCN Mentorship

    Every year
    Annual Payment
    • 1-to-1 mentorship
    • Customised Support
    • Build your business
    • Monthly face-to-face
    • Check-ins if required
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